Custom-Crafted Healing “Shiviti” Chants:
A gift for yourself or for someone you care about.
What sort of support does your spirit need right now? Challenging times invite simple solutions, in the form of personal meditative healing chants custom crafted for grounding, balance, and protection. Drawing on inspiration from traditional Jewish meditative shiviti images, Batya’s chants help to ease fear and anxiety, support you in times of grieving, and deepen and enhance your spiritual practice. Their vibrations—crafted with and for you—fine-tune your alignment with divine energy. These unique chants are woven with ancient Jewish wisdom, resonant melodies, accessible Hebrew (and maybe some English), and are co-created and personalized based specifically on your needs.
How it works:
Once you fill out this questionnaire Batya will contact you to set up a time to talk. In this conversation you’ll explore your intentions and needs in support of your personal journey. No worries if you're not sure what you want yet—through this process it’s likely that a direction will reveal itself.
After this conversation, Batya will take up to two weeks and spend up to three hours to meditate and to listen for the chant that comes through specifically for you. She’ll make a recording (a cappella, or with one instrument) and send it to you; you’ll then have a chance to suggest changes to the custom chant, after which Batya will return it to you as a finished project.
If ordering a chant for a loved one, please click here.
[Additional changes may be possible for a supplemental cost.]
Questions? Contact Batya.